8 AugChalk Paint Project

Okay folks! I found some gems and I want to share them with you. And if you stick around long enough this post ends with a super cute project. Gem #1: Winsome Cottage in Waynesville, OH. I discovered this shop a couple of weekends ago. While I am a super modern, city girl, there was still something about this “shabby-chic” place that struck me. I mean look… super cute right? Party bonus… the owner is a sweetheart!

So, what was it that I liked? Drum roll please… Gem #2: Chalk Paint! Okay, so take a close look at those photos. Pretty much every piece of furniture you see there has been redone simply by applying chalk paint! Pardon my french, but this shit is like magic. It can coat just about every surface (fake wood veneer, yes!) goes on nice and thick and dries in 30 minutes to a lovely, buttery matte texture. You can paint on metal, glass, dark wood… you name it! So are your wheels spinning yet? Got something in your house that’s a little outdated and drab? Chalk paint it, baby! That chest of drawers that you neighbor left on the curb… swipe it at night ’cause you got chalk paint, and the neighbor doesn’t have a clue!

Alright! Are you ready for my first attempt at chalk paint madness? I swiped this mirror from my late grandmother’s house. It’s Gem #3 in my book. A gem because it belonged to my Grandma G. who I loved very much. And, frankly, it was the only thing in the whole house that was worth taking in my opinion. The mere fact that I found it was a feat in and of itself.

So, I’m going to walk you through my first attempt at using chalk paint. I chose 3 colors of paint at Winsome Cottage (yes, they sell it) seen here. It took me FOREVER to decide.

For the mirror, I chose to use “Florence,” a lovely, bright, turquoise. Then I got to work!

Looks like I need another coat!

Much better! I’m still keeping a bit of the weathered look.

That’s a shot of me through the Windex on the mirror… kinda neat! Had to clean it up!

So, here’s the final piece in all of its glory! Complete with a reflection of my beloved Shepard Fairey limited edition print of Cincinnati’s Contemporary Art Museum. Ta-da!

I’ll keep you posted on my chalk paint projects! Next up: Antique sewing cabinet!



5 thoughts on “Chalk Paint Project

  1. Wow, this is so cool and we are soo in need of these gems! All of them. Just bought a place and can’t wait to get my hands on all the empty spaces and misfit furniture. And yes, terribly need to catch up. big hugs to all. Thanks for the post.

  2. Gayathri!! We miss you guys so much and would love to catch up soon! Face time??!! I want to hear all about the new place and life with 2 littles.

  3. Pingback: Cormier Creative. A Smart Design Studio.

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